Which? Trusted Traders
Tuesday 1 August 2017
Congratulations Rivergods Ltd.
We are unbelievably excited to announce that Rivergods Ltd are now endorsed by Which? We have successfully met their professional assessment standard to become a Which? Trusted Trader.
We are committed to abide by the Which? Trusted Traders' Code of Conduct, this is available on Which? Trusted Traders website. These highlight why we think you should choose a Which? Trusted Trader for the job.
We feel very privileged to be working alongside a very reputable company whom many people trust and look to for advice and guidance. We work closely with Which? to keep bringing the best possible service to our customers.
In order for us to increase our reviews, we have been given Review Forms for customers to fill out at the end of each job.
Thank you to all our customers that have been contacted by Which? in order to give a review of our work. We were brought to tears by some of them and we couldn't be more proud.
Let's bring on the next chapter for Rivergods Ltd!